Week 1 Homework Installing Azure CLI 2.0 and resizing VM Now that we have more experience working with Azure VMs, I’d like people to become familiar with the command line interface (CLI) to Azure. Every possible operation is made available through the CLI, in contrast to the web portal where many things are difficult and sometimes not even possible to do. Install CLI for your environment You generally will want to have the CLI available on your local machine/laptop since you are really only interacting with the VMs at this point. Windows/Mac users follow instructions at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli?view=azure-cli-latest Ubuntu There is an apt repo available, but I was a little uncomfortable with it. The CLI is basically a wrapper around some python scripts, so the easiest is to just use pip pip install azure-cli (use the --user option if not using env manager or sudo) Login to CLI (Link to your Ne...
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